A few words

About Us


Setting up the Al Tanweer Foundation was born out of the need for Libyan society to be well-informed first to uplift it socially and intellectually toward a better future. The first meeting took place in Tripoli on 31/12l2011, and the following meetings later outlined the foundation's ideas, goals, and purpose. The Al Tanweer Foundation was officially proven by Article 15 of the Constitutional Declaration and the Ministry of Culture and Civil Societies laws under number (108).


Al Tanweer Foundation aspires to be the best worldwide in all its all­ encompassing tasks. By keeping ethical Islamic codes while using all the technical experts it has, Al Tanweer Foundation looks to supply thoughtful knowledge and deserved services for all society members to reach the goal of living in a situation that allows for a positive and better change.


Our mission is to bring attention to borrowed phrases and terminologies.

That, if clearly explained, would positively contribute to building the new Libya.

 As vehicles cannot get to their destinations without fuel, minds also cannot get to their proper destinations without proper knowledge.

 These days, we lack much knowledge, especially political ones; we see that it is.

We need to help overcome that weakness by taking an informative role in helping create a well-rounded society that can reach its goals.

Peacefully and adequately in the best and shortest time.

Means and ways by which the Foundation can achieve its goals.

  1. Opening and having headquarters, offices, and halls to exercise its activities.
  2. Organizing conferences and seminars.
  3. Hold lectures and panel discussions.
  4. Exhibitions, concerts, and festivals.
  5. Work through various media channels to publicize its activities and make them known.
  6. Ownership of Radio and television stations and their management.
  7. Creating websites on the Internet.
  8. Book and articles publishing and using pamphlets for advertising.
  9. Ownership and the issuance of magazines and newspapers and their publishing and distribution.
  10. Investment of surplus funds in activities that would help the foundation provide consistency with the aims and regulations of the foundation.
  11. Partnership with other civil society organizations engaged in activities like its activities and cooperating to achieve its aims by merging or combining with, in a manner consistent with its aims.
  12. Usage of any other means consistent with the law of the State.

Legal status

The foundation has its own independent legal and financial status, and its headquarters and principal residence is the city of Tripoli, Libya. It may set up branches or offices within and outside Libya to help exercise its activities and achieve its goals.


Conditions of Membership:

 Members must be of Libyan nationality, adults from the age of eighteen years and on, have no felonies, abide by the laws and regulations of the foundations, and agree with its goals and principles.

Membership Type:

 Memberships of the foundation are of two types, the first one is working membership in which all rules and regulations contained in the statute are applicable to its holders, and the other is an honorary one that does not require Libyan nationality and exempts members from the joining fees but does not give them the right to vote. Those members, however, may be assigned to perform tasks that the General Assembly may consider serving the public interests.

New member registration:

The general management of the foundation shall help those who wish to register for membership by providing them with all the necessary information and registration fees. The processing of memberships shall be one week from the application date.

Members Duties:

Members shall perform any work assigned after acceptance as scheduled and thoroughly professional.

Termination of membership:

 Membership ends upon violating any of the foundation’s rules and regulations, upon a request to withdraw by the member, or, in the case of death. The General Assembly issues terminations.

Come work with us

We hope that you will review the terms of membership and send your resume

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